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Welcome to the 2024 Terror Island Invitational

Rules for the 2024 Terror Island Invitational

2024 Terror Island Invitational

Tournament Rules

Tournament Team Registration: A team representative MUST register their team in one
of the two following ways. We highly recommend option #1:
1. Thru Email. Materials must be received by Wednesday October 23rd, 11:59 P.M.
Sent to:TerrorIslandInvitational@gmail.com.
Items to be sent:
• Copy of all player pass cards with pictures
• Copy of medical release forms for all players (you will keep)
• Team league roster (tournament will keep)
• Island Cup Tournament Liability form (on website)
• Copy of MSYSA Guest Player Roster or Guest Player Pass Card if applicable. (required
for each Michigan
guest player)
• Copy of Risk Management or similar background check documentation for each coach,
manager and trainer. (limit 3 per team)
Coaches will receive wristbands at 1st game check in.
Please include “team name”, “age group”, and “gender” in the subject of the email
2. At Commerce Park, Friday, October 25th, 4:30 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. Teams that do not
have Friday evening games may check in at the Field Complex Check-in tent 1 hour prior
to their first scheduled game on Saturday.
Representative must present at Registration only if online check-in was not
completed: • Player pass cards
• Team league roster (tournament will keep)
• MSYSA Guest Player Roster or Guest Player Pass Card if applicable. (required for each
Michigan guest
• Medical release forms for all players (do not need to be notarized)
• Risk Management or similar background check documentation for each coach, manager
and trainer. (limit 3 per team)
Coaches will receive wristbands at this time.
Player Age and Eligibility (BIRTH YEAR FORMAT):
Under 7-Born on 1/1/2018 or after
Under 8-Born on 1/1/2017 or after
Under 9-Born on 1/1/16 or after
Under 10-Born on 1/1/15 or after
Under 11-Born on 1/1/14 or after
Under 12-Born on 1/1/13 or after
Under 13-Born on 1/1/12 or after
Under 14-Born on 1/1/11 or after
Under 15-Born on 1/1/10 or after
Under 16-Born on 1/1/09 or after
Under 17-Born on 1/1/08 or after
Under 18-Born on 1/1/07 or after

A roster must be on file with tournament headquarters prior to competition and it must be a
team roster for the Fall of 2024.
The maximum roster size per age group is as follows:
4v4- 8 players maximum, this number may be changed if a U9Y team was moved into a 4v4 division due to
low numbers at the 7v7 field size. This will be communicated to all teams prior to the tournament starting. (U7-
7v7- 12 players maximum (U9Y, U9, and U10)
9v9 -16 players maximum ( U11Y, U11 and U12 teams playing 9v9)
11v11- 22 players maximum (U13Y, U13-U14 teams )
A maximum of 5 guest players is permitted in all age groups. Boys are NOT allowed to play
on girls teams even if they have a valid passcard.
Club Passcarding for Island Cup
Club Passcarding is permitted within the Island Cup as long as all subsequent rules are met.
a. A player may only club passcard for a team in the Island Cup if that team belongs to the
same club as the player’s primary team. (See “Club” definition below)
b. A club passcarded player must appear on a team’s Island Cup roster. Club
passcarded players do not count against the guest player limit.
c. A team must be able to demonstrate continuity between their league roster and Island
Cup roster by having a minimum of five (5) players in common to both rosters for the 7v7
divisions, a minimum of seven (7) players common to both rosters for the 9v9 divisions, and
a minimum of nine (9) players common to both rosters for the 11v11 divisions.
d. A player may play for more than one team in the Island Cup as long as they are rostered
to both teams, and the teams are not in the same division. If a player plays on multiple
teams in the same division, the team that the player is NOT rostered to, will forfeit.

10. Definition of “Club”
a. A “Club” is defined as an organization providing soccer to youth players that is either a
direct member of MSYSA or that registers players MSYSA through an affiliated member.
b. At no time shall an affiliated member who functions as a “scheduling” league also be
considered a club.
c .In the case where a club sets up one or more satellite clubs in the state, those satellite
clubs may NOT be considered part of the main club for the purposes of the Island Cup. For
example, if there was a GISA South and GISA West, GISA South may only pull from
GISA South. If GISA South plans on using a player from GISA West, they would need
to register that player as a GUEST PLAYER.

d. Players cannot play on more than 1 team. Any player that plays a game for a team that
they are NOT on the team’s tournament roster will result in a forfeit.

Wristbands: Referees will check for wristbands at the field before the start of each game.
It will be each player and coaches responsibility to keep their wristband on throughout the
tournament. If a wristband should come off during the course of the tournament, it must be
replaced at the check-in tent. At no time will any player or coach be allowed to participate in
a game without the proper wristband or with a wristband that has been altered or taped.
Deliberate tampering or transferring of a wristband is grounds for disqualification of the
player and/or the team. If a player plays without a wristband, and is questioned at the end
of the game, verification will be done by the tournament director to confirm that player was
properly registered and eligible to play. If the tournament director cannot verify eligibility, a
forfeit will apply.

Subsequent Game Check In: To check in for subsequent games (2,3,4.. etc..), a team
representative is required to have the passcards in their possession in case a player is
challenged, carded, or ejected from a game.

SUBSTITUTIONS: Substitutions will be made with the referee’s approval only.
Substitution request may be granted at these times:
1. Before a goal kick
2. Before a throw in for your team
3. After a goal
4. After Halftime
5. After an injury (one for one)
6. After a yellow card has been issued (one for one)
U7-U19 is free substitution and will not be limited.

LENGTH OF GAME: All games have a 5-minute halftime. The clock will start at scheduled
game time. The 4v4 division will have a 5 minute break after the 2nd quarter. There will
be a 1 minute time allowance after quarter 1 and quarter 3.
(4v4) 4 x 10 minute quarters (prelim, semi & finals)
(7v7) 2 x 25 minute halves (prelim, semi & finals)
(9 v 9) 2 x 30 minutes halves (prelim, semi & finals)
(11 v11) 2 x 30 minute halves (prelim, semi & finals)

Game Clock: The referee will keep the official time of games. The game clock will not be
stopped because of an injury to any player unless, at the discretion of a member of the
Tournament Committee, medical personnel must remove the injured player from the
field. Due to the time allowed for completion of all games the clock runs continuously. The
Tournament Director may shorten halves at his discretion to keep games on schedule.

Teams will have their bench on the same side. ALL SPECTATORS Will be on the opposite
side. Coaches are responsible for the spectators behavior. Dissent will not be tolerated.
Player Equipment
1. Shin guards are mandatory and must be covered by socks.
2. Shirt/jerseys will be tucked into players shorts at all times.
3. Hard cast and Soft cast will be allowed upon approval of the referee and/or
tournament Committee.
4. The home team will be responsible for using alternate color uniform if
necessary. 5. All uniforms must have numbers.
A team that fails to field 7 players (5 for 7v7 games, 6 for 9v9 games) 5 minutes after the
scheduled kick off, will forfeit. The score will be 4-0. Any team who forfeits a game will not
advance from their bracket. Any use of illegal players will result in a forfeiture of all
Game Ball- To be provided by the team listed as HOME. Under 9 through Under 12 will use
a size 4 ball. Under 13 and above will use a size 5 ball. HOME TEAM is the FIRST team listed
on the schedule. In the case of similar color uniforms, the home team will change to their
alternate jersey.

DISPUTES Any disagreement which cannot be resolved by the listed rules will be settled by
Final Rulings-The final interpreter of the foregoing rules and regulations and any matters
not provided for in these rules will the Tournament Director, whose decisions shall be final.
a. Any player or coach ejected from a game will be ineligible to participate in the next
scheduled game. The player/coach passcard is to be turned in to the site headquarters
immediately following the initial suspension game. If dismissed in the last game, a red card
report will be filed with the teams governing body and disciplinary action will be determined.
A red and yellow card report is provided to the state association and or governing body that
teams participating in the tournament come from.
b. There shall be no dissent between players and/or coaches and the referee. Questioning a
referee is considered dissent. All coaches are responsible for the actions of their spectators,
specifically verbal abuse of referees. Such abuse will not be tolerated by the tournament
and any decisions will be made by the tournament committee.

DIVISION STANDINGS: Win = 3 pts. Tie = 1 pt. Loss = 0 pt.
Division of 5 Teams – A round robin competition will be held. Upon conclusion of the round
robin play, all teams will be ranked as to their performance over the 4 games. Champion
and Finalist awards will be made to the teams with the highest two point totals. Ties will be
broken according to tie-breaker rules.

1. Head to Head (skip if more than two teams are tied)
2. Goal Differential- Goals scored less goals allowed (max. 4 per game)
3. Least goals against
4. Most goals scored (max. 4 per game)
5. Penalty kicks. 5 per team, alternating. If tied after 5 each, 1 per team will be selected
until the tie is broken. (The penalty shooters can be anyone who is dressed to play and
rostered, only applies to tie breaker).
6. All Division winners are set first, and then the wildcard process takes place. OVERTIME –
FIFA’s rules specify that if overtime periods are used, overtime periods must be played to
completion. “Golden goal” are not allowed.
The Selection of a Wild Card Team, if required, shall be determined by:
1. Non-group winner with the most total points.
2. Non group winner with the most wins.
3. Winner of the game, if applicable, played between the tied teams.
4. Goal differential- max 4 per game
5. Fewer total goals allowed.
6. Penalty kicks. If both teams advance, the tournament committee will decide the
opponents at the next level of play.
7. Wildcard teams may be changed if the two teams played each other in preliminary
COMMITTEE, there is no actual seeding of wildcards)
Game Clock: Due to the time allowed for completion of all games the clock runs

championship games, if teams are tied at the end of regulation, 2 x 5 minute overtime
periods will be played. These overtime periods will be played as non-golden goal to
completion. If the score is still tied at the completion of the second five (5) minute
overtime, penalty kicks will be taken according to FIFA rules to decide the game.
Penalty kick elimination: When semi-final and final matches are still tied after overtime
the FIFA laws of the game for Penalty Kicks apply. Only players on the field at the end of
the second overtime period are eligible for penalty kicks. Coin flip will determine who will go

first (visiting team calls). Five penalty kickers per team. The most goals scored after five
kicks for each team wins the game. If the score remains tied, teams will alternate shooters
until there is an unmatched goal between the teams. After all eligible players on the field of
play have taken kicks; teams will start with their first kickers again and in the same order.

*The Tournament Committee reserves the right to shorten or eliminate overtime periods
in order to keep games on time.

Awards- Team trophies and individual awards will be awarded to 1st and 2nd place teams in
all age groups. Participation medals may be given to younger age groups.
Inclement Weather: Unless tournament play has been suspended due to severe weather
conditions, coaches and their teams must appear at the field ready to play as scheduled.
Failure to appear will result in forfeiture of the game. Only the Tournament Director may
cancel a game before it begins.

Suspension of play prior to the game beginning: Should play be suspended due to
severe weather prior to the start of the game, and the game cannot be postponed or
rescheduled, the game will end as a 0-0 draw.

Suspension of play prior to the completion of 1st half: Should play be suspended due
to severe weather prior to completion of the 1st half, the Tournament Director may reduce
the length of the game. If suspension continues past the scheduled starting time of the next
game, the Tournament Director reserves the right to declare the game complete and score
will stand. Suspension of play prior to the completion of the 1st half is at the Tournament
Director’s discretion. If the score of the game is not close 3, 4, 5-0 prior to the 1st half
being completed, the score will stand as is. If the game is a 1 goal game, the score will be
deemed a “draw”.

Suspension of play after completion of 1st half: Should play be suspended due to
severe weather conditions after completion of the 1st half, the Tournament Director
reserves the right to declare the game complete and score will stand, as is, regardless of
the score.

EJECTIONS: Any player, coach, assistant coach or manager receiving a red card will not
be permitted to participate in the remainder of the game and the following game.
Suspension from additional games will be contingent upon a review of the violation after
receipt of the referee report. 2 game suspension: serious foul play, violent conduct, spitting
at an opponent or another person, denying an obvious goal scoring opportunity, foul and
abusive language.

A 2nd red card results in suspension from the remainder of the tournament. Any MSYSA
registered player, coach, assistant coach or team manager who has received a red card
during the tournament and did not sit out the related number of game(s) during the
tournament must sit out the required number of game(s) starting with his/her next league
game. ALL yellow / red cards will be submitted to the teams affiliating league or governing
body, as well as that team’s state association (MSYSA, NWOYSL, etc.). Further disciplinary
action by be followed through by the state association or governing body.

2024 Terror Island Invitational

due to events beyond the control of the tournament committee, the tournament will not be
required to make any financial remuneration. Please see the COVID exception below. There
will be no guarantees of rescheduling of games due to weather or any circumstances beyond
our control.
Refunds of Tournament: Deadline for all refunds is the closing date of team applications.
Closing date for applications will be May 12th, 2024. All Park rules must be obeyed while on
Refunds due to COVID Restrictions: In the event that the tournament cannot be hosted
due to state mandates due to COVID, a FULL refund will be offered. This applies to COVID
mandates only.

RISK MANAGEMENT: Grosse Ile Soccer Association adheres to the Michigan State Youth
Soccer Association Risk Management policies: These can be found at the MSYSA website
(www.michiganyouthsoccer.org), PROGRAMS, RISK MANAGEMENT. MSYSA registered
teams will be required to present risk management cards for coaches, assistant coaches
and team managers. Non-MSYSA team need to bring their organization’s equivalent to the
MSYSA risk management card

TOURNAMENT HEADQUARTERS Tournament headquarters will be located at Commerce
Park, 9300 Intrepid, Grosse Ile, MI 48138. Key contact is Kyle Lesperance, Tournament
Director at 734-626-0862, GISACoachingDirector@gmail.com.
ELIGIBILITY & CONSENT All state associations, foreign teams-Canadian teams as well as
all US Soccer affiliated teams are eligible to participate in the Island Cup.
REFEREES: All referees will be assigned by a 2024-2025 USSF certified assignor. All
assignments for the Island Cup will be done through Game Officials. Any referee from
out-of-area must show Photo Identification to verify identity, without this you will not
be able to ref during the tournament.

INJURIES: The game clock does not stop for injuries. ALL MSYSA Coaches must be able to
provide the CDC Heads-Up Concussion certificate. NON-MSYSA coaches must be able to
provide the CDC Heads-UP Concussion certificate or the NFHS Concussion in Sports
certificate. All teams must be able to provide the Michigan Department of Community Health
/ CDC Parent and Athlete Concussion information sheet for each player attending the

SafeSport Policy
a. All Adult members must have valid, approved background check clearance and
must also complete/maintain their SafeSport Training certification by the earlier
of 1) prior to regular contact with a Minor Participant; or 2) within the first 45
days of the Covered Adult taking on the role giving them access to Minor
Participants. Each SafeSport Training certificate is considered valid for one year,
and a SafeSport Refresher course should be completed in subsequent years in
order for members to maintain their SafeSport Certification.
CONCUSSION POLICY: All MSYSA coaches must be able to provide their CDC Heads-Up
Concussion Certification. All non-MSYSA coaches must be able to provide the CDC Heads-Up
Concussion certificate or the NFHS Concussion in Sports Certificate. Teams must be able to
provide the Michigan Department of Community Health/CDC Parents and Athlete Concussion
Information Sheet for each player attending the tournament. All concussion certificates
must be NO older than 3 years from the date of the tournament.

7v7 Additional Rules:
We will adhere to the State regulations regarding buildout lines, and offside.
On passback to keeper, keeper may play ball at feet but not handle.
When ball is out of play on the sideline, play will be restarted with a throw in. There will be
no goal-keeper distribution when play needs to be restarted for ball going over end line for
a goal kick.
The goalie can throw, pass, or play to their feet and there will be no penalty for ball crossing
half line. Drop kicks are NOT allowed.
Penalty kicks will be called, and of course, are direct kicks.

A. Elimination of Heading Policy
B. All players age 10 and younger, regardless of what age group they play in, may not
head the ball.
C. All players in the U11 age group or younger may not head the ball. D. A header by
these players shall result in an indirect free kick awarded to the opponent at the spot of
the infraction. If the header occurs within the goal area, the indirect free kick shall be
taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the infraction occured.


Terror Island Invitational

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